11) Partner’s new Audience for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

February 7, 2016

ENG 1121 – D465

Assignment: Partner’s new Audience for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay


Jonathan Valencia born and raised in the slums of Queens, New York. Growing up he always knew his parents where hard working people. Daichi his older brother was the one responsible for looking out for him. Jonathan was never the perfect student to other people’s eye’s he was seen as dangerous and violent except for his friends who he grew up with that knew and understood him. At a very young age he started to work because he felt the need to mature and adapt to society much more as he wasn’t a kid but considered a young adult by the elders in his neighborhood. Surrounded by white walls of his room he was a quite and peaceful kid who respected the ones around him. When nightfall came he was considered the black dog or the fallen angel due to him always wearing all black and causing havoc in the streets. His passion cycling riding his bike back and fourth and competing in illegal bike races for prize money.   Working as a bike messenger along with some of his friends Jonathan was reckless but always safe. School for him wasn’t the place for him but rather a pastime for he couldn’t stay at home. Most students would give him a nasty glare due to the fact he was placed in advance placement classes and would do the minimal work to achieve a passing grade. College wasn’t a choice when asked until a girl who was kind to him due to the fact he help her avoid problems with other student that were disrespectful to either her or her friends told him “ what due you plan to do in your future if you don’t graduate high school or don’t even make an attempt to get some sort of degree” which triggered a spark and improved himself to get accepted either a 4 year college to major in civil Engineering.