10) Rhetorical Situation for Personal Narrative Essay

Jonathan Valencia

March 1, 2016

ENG 1121- D465

Assignment: Rhetorical Situation for your partner’s essay


Partner: Farjana Shati


  1. Audience – When reading her essays the people that are most likely to be reading are people of all ages but mostly students. A group that you can say is being targeted by reading the essays would be encounter the same problem as she did which was getting out of her comfort zone.
  2. Genre – Personal Narrative essay or autobiography
  3. Purpose – To describe or tell her audience her experience of how getting out of her comfort zone was a difficult challenge of her life.
  4. Media/Design – Way of communicating is through her essay and words.
  5. Stance – In my opinion another way she can approach her essay would be like giving advice to student who also suffer a problem like hers of getting there comfort zone or bringing up ways or obstacles she went through for her getting out of her comfort zone.