Entry 12

Ethic Scenario 3

Q1. I would firstly explain to the client why having something as big as a logo be similar to someone else’s is a bad idea. I would then explain to them the issues of infringement and property. I would give them the option of doing something within the style, giving them their own unique asset. If they’re really persistent though, I would most likely contact the designer and see if they would be willing to collaborate, and/or if the design is for sale, such as licensing. 

Q2. If I am the Art Director, I would question the demands made by the Executive News Editor, in a respectful manner of course. I would tell him that though I understand his rank or hierarchy, following protocol should be a priority. If they refused to budge, I would most likely just refused to follow his direct order, as again, it would be against the companies commitments and my personal ethics. I would then most likely report the issue to one of the higher ups when they become available, especially since at that point I wouldn’t want the Executive News Editor to make up anything about me. 

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