Entry 4

One of the first things I would say I “learned,” (other than more organization skills), was more about the blogging life. It’s really just a public journal, a bunch of potentially private words or discoveries made public for whoever resonates to view. I personally had wanted to do something along the lines of this, but with fashion or more specifically my outfits. It’s shown me you need a certain level of confidence and a “not caring” attitude; to just put out whatever you believe in and give it to those who care to look.

A Snapshot Of One Of Her Current Pages (I want to change this but logo comes first)

Entry 3

The overall culture is professional yet informal, as most of the work is done from my personal office, aka the comfort of my fantastic bedroom. The workday itself is fairly smooth. I wake up around 6-7am, eat breakfast (sometimes) and then I let her know what time I’m starting. This is roughly the same time everyday; depending on the day (Thursday, Friday or Saturday), and my school load (senior project and my other classes), which is around 9am-12pm. I then work throughout the day based off of what we discussed in our prior meetings. Right now I’m doing logo sketches, in hope that I strike a gold mine in my brain, as the logo is one of the most important, if not most important, assets in branding.

Entry 2

My luck has turned for the better, I’ve finally found an internship. The Bold Type. A public yet private blog, ran my a team of solely one woman, Chaka. This blog was purely driven by the things she loves and cares about. The blog is catered to the urban population; focusing on things prevalent in city life such as food, everyday lifestyle, the city scapes (neighborhoods, architecture, etc), and community uplift (Black Lives Matter). I ended up finding out about this from a family friend, as I ended up telling everybody and anybody with ears that I needed to get an internship ASAP. Basically, the person I told, told someone else, which led to this person messaging this woman and setting up a meeting. (Classic Telephone Game Success) So we ended up meeting around 3-4 days after it being set up, and it went well. Success, I now landed an internship. My role was said to support the overall art direction, as well as contribute to the design and social presence. I am also responsible for the drafting and creation of “The Bold Type” logo. She asked me about my type of work, and talked to me about what prior experience I’ve gained thus far.

Entry 1

This spring semester I’m set to finally graduate. With that said, I have to start an internship, and this is my first journal/blog entry. So, January 25th, on the day a road to a new life chapter was beginning (spring semester first day), my life simultaneously crashed around me. My grandmother passed away. The lovely lady that smothered me in my younger years has left. And to make matters worst, I hadn’t seen her in over 5-6 years as she lived in Trinidad; and I couldn’t even attend the funeral. A live stream? Imagine my pain. So the next time I do see her, it’ll be to give her her flowers; though she can’t physically receive them. Fast forward maybe 2 weeks, I couldn’t muster up any energy to even continue looking for an internship. I knew I had to, I couldn’t sabotage myself in this way, but I couldn’t. This was my fourth relative lost in 4-5 months, yet this one hit the hardest. Prior to all of this I had applied to more places than I could count; at this point I just needed some sort of luck to strike me, and hope it was good rather than bad. TBC..