About Me

My name is Jordan Stanley, and I am studying Communication Design at NYC College of Technology. At first I wanted to do this major due to it exploring into graphic design, but afterwards learning that it touches on a ton of different subjects, such as photography, typography, videography and video editing. When I do finish this major, taking everything I’ve learned I’ll be able to go many routes creatively. My hobbies are usually, photography, watching sports, graphic design, and fashion. I like taking pictures, as well as having pictures taken of me. I enjoy creating pieces, whether that’s designing clothes, or sewing them. I’ve been into soccer since I was about 5, and its stuck with me ever since. My main creative influences come from people of music and fashion, such as Kanye West, Yves Saint Laurent, Anna Wintour, Jean Paul Gaultier, and so on. My main one, as listed first, is Kanye West though. As it shown to me somebody who no matter what obstacle or opinions sprout, always manages to reach the goal they set. From his beginnings in music to entering the fashion world. It shows me that my creative mindset holds no bond, and I have the ability, along with drive and persistence, to reach and accomplishment what I set out to do.