Entry 2

My luck has turned for the better, I’ve finally found an internship. The Bold Type. A public yet private blog, ran my a team of solely one woman, Chaka. This blog was purely driven by the things she loves and cares about. The blog is catered to the urban population; focusing on things prevalent in city life such as food, everyday lifestyle, the city scapes (neighborhoods, architecture, etc), and community uplift (Black Lives Matter). I ended up finding out about this from a family friend, as I ended up telling everybody and anybody with ears that I needed to get an internship ASAP. Basically, the person I told, told someone else, which led to this person messaging this woman and setting up a meeting. (Classic Telephone Game Success) So we ended up meeting around 3-4 days after it being set up, and it went well. Success, I now landed an internship. My role was said to support the overall art direction, as well as contribute to the design and social presence. I am also responsible for the drafting and creation of “The Bold Type” logo. She asked me about my type of work, and talked to me about what prior experience I’ve gained thus far.

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