Week 6: First Meeting
I finally had my first meeting at the internship. It was online through zoom so it felt familiar to any other online meeting just that it was with my new team. The interns got to meet each other (its only three of us) and we were introduced the basics of the internship. They discussed what…
Typographic Booklet Design
Heroes BookletClass Assignment This is a booklet on social change, and the people, organizations and ideas that were, and are, instrumental in generating forward movement. Our class voted on topics. Some of the information was well known to us, but other information was not familiar at all. This booklet also served as a typography assignment,…
Advertising Campaign
Clif Bar Ad CampaignClass Assignment This was a partner class assignment where we had “CLIF BAR” as the client and we had to create an ad campaign for them. The first three are done mainly by me and the last three are done mainly by my partner Abenezer. We both assisted each other on all…