Service learning project
I was part of a team that presented at to a class of ESL 2nd grade students at P.S. 166 in Queens. The presentation focused on nutrition and oral health. We created a lesson plan and organized a Tell-Show-Do approach to engage these children. The class was responsive and retained a lot of the information we provided. Our presentation included:
- demonstration guides
- goodie bags
- before and after Q&A
- Tooth brushing tracking calendar
This experience was very rewarding. It gave us the opportunity to utilize our education and give back to the community.
Pit and fissure sealant placement
Placed sealants on multiple patients successfully. Ages varying from 9-25.
Local anesthesia
Successfully completed a course and passed all mandatory testing in the administration of local anesthesia. Injections I am qualified to complete include:
- Greater Palatine
- Papillary
- Mental
- Buccal
- Lingual
Successfully administered over 30 injections.
Nitrous oxide
CITI IRB completion- citiCompletionReport4987098
Completed the Mandated Reporter course: Recognition of child abuse.
Head start Varnish program
My class mates and I performed dental screenings, and provided free fluoride varnish to the children at a local head start program.