Final Banner Update – #13

I received feedback from Oscar and Michael. They both agreed that my updates work very well. I was so relieved that they chose how I designed the banners in my way. I developed my own copy to use in the banners and changed up the font a bit, thus making effective working banners ready for uploading online. I have included the update versions here. This was the last assignment for me in this internship. I did let Oscar and Kevin know that my time with them as an intern is done, but I am still available if they need help in any design work. This week is also a great occasion, as I finished my minimum 120 hours of service for internship class. I have been keeping track of my hours and they sum up to 123 hours. I wanted to do more hours, but I wasn’t able to do so because of some communication issues in the beginning. It’s all good in the end. I learned a lot from everyone at Giving Forward, and I will use this information learned from my supervisors to take with and develop affecting design work wherever I go.