Advanced topics in python


In this assignment , we went more into dictionaries, and how to store data into a tuple and getting it to output a result. We also learned how to add a variable into a list and adding more then 1 statement in that list. For example, if you look at comprehending comprehensions, you see that inside the list, there is 3 assignments going on there and when we print it, we will get different values.Then we also did some list slicing but in order to figure out what those words were inside the variale, we had to use the” -1″so that when we print garbled it will print out i am the secret message. And then last but not least, we were introduced to lambda statements and the filtered statement which will filter out the letters that shouldnt be there which for instance is X. The X gets removed from the garbled statement and then when we print it , it turns out to be that it outputs ”  i am another secret message”.

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