Fermits Last Theorem


In this program, we were given an assignment where we create a varible named check_fermat which will return 4 variables inside of the parameter. For this case, we have to prove 4 numbers that makes fermats Theorem correct and 4 numbers that doesnt make him correct. The first line i defined the variable and inside the parameter i inputed a,b,c,d to assign it to any random 4 numbers. Then we use the if statement to ensure that thermats theorem works for both sides right and wrong. Once we did that, if the number we choose is greater then 2, the program will excecute only the program doesnt work. If the number we choose is less then 2 , then it will execute that Fermats theorem is correct.But in order to get that to work, we must recall the variable and input any random 4 numbers to get that scenario.Our second part of the assignment was to get the user to input numbers and find out if he/she is correct.In order to do that, we use the int(input( function to get the user to be able to do that.we assign 4 variables to it and when we do that and we run the program, we should be getting ” enter first number for a” and stuff like that. Once you enter the 4th number, it should output either a right or wrong solution.