Learning Game Designer. Emerging Media Technology Major.

Category: Coursework (Page 2 of 2)

Characters Sirena Culmination

These are the detailed description of the two characters in the game.

  • Duma – Our protagonist, a 20 year-old mermaid born in the Lost City of Erdia. Due to her strict parents, she wasn’t allowed to venture outside the city but she loves the stories of the outside. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she sneaks out of the city to go on an adventure!
  • Ares – The Former King of Erdia, also known as the King of Misfortune. His string of horrible luck always dragged others with him, causing catastrophe everywhere he would go. Ares is the reason the city is sealed up and the cause of everything else you spot throughout Duma’s adventure.

Characters Culmination

Locations Sirena Culmination

These are the Locations of Sirena through text.

  • The Lost City Of Erdia – A civilization were mermaids live. Outside of its walls lies a cavern that leads to a beautiful underground temple that used to be on the surface. First level of the game.
  • The Wreck of Sylvia – The waters are slightly contaminated with a shipwreck spewing out oil from the ship. Second Level of the game.
  • Polluted Waters – Decaying plants and wildlife. This is uncharted waters with the mermaid of Ares in the center of it. Final Level of the game.

Locations Sirena

My Business Card

In order to create my business card, I had to find the right size of a normal business card. I then used the logo of my first art creation of Adobe Illustrator. I used the transparent logo so it can be placed on the business card like so. I showcased my address, email, phone number and the name of my company. On the top left, it showcases my name and my job title. I changed the font sizes to something that pleased me and the color of my business card is grey. Feel free to contact me.

Business Card



This is my Silhouette. I found an image of my favorite athlete called Damian Lillard on Google Images. I then imported his image onto Adobe Illustrator. Afterwards, I created many new layers for a different part of his body and uniform. In order to create this, I had to use the pen tool and change the color so it I can see what I was lining up. After an hour of working on this, I ended up with this creation. To then add life, I changed the background to a gradient and I tried implementing his skin color. I decided to not add his facial features because that would end up taking forever. I then changed the color of his uniform to his team colors and the basketball to the color of the sun. This was a fun project.

Damian Lillard

Damian Lillard


My Logo

My first ever art piece. One was made with black and white, the other is white and black and the one in the middle is transparent to be placed on any object. I first drew this art piece on my notebook to see if I would like it or not. I only used the brush tool because it was the only way I knew how to portray the rose from paper to the software. In order to have 3 different roses. I exported one as black, one as white and one as a transparent jpeg. image. The black one was simple as well because all I did was change the stroke and background color to opposite colors. This is how my logo was made.

Welcome To My Site

Hello Everyone, this is Jordin De La Rosa’s website. On this website, it consists of everything that you need to know about me. As well as my achievements and anything that I am either undergoing or completed. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy.

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