Next Assignment: QR Code Poster

Due next class:
Three Sketches for a 10” wide X 14” high poster. Make your sketches 25% of actual size. (2 ½” wide X 3 ½” high)

Sketches can be rough, as long as you convey the idea. Choose a business, brand, or social cause and create a poster that integrates a QR code into the design. You don’t have to draw the QR code, just draw use shape where the QR code would be. Along with the QR code, your sketches can include typography, a line drawing or photography. Include a short paragraph on your thinking process. Upload any sketches to your Drop Box folder or email them.  


This entry was originally posted in "COMD1112 Digital Media Foundations" on September 29, 2023

Objective of the Project

Pick a quote from a song, a poem, a movie, or written work and develop over a 6 week period 3 concepts for visually enhancing this quote for a postcard of 8.5″ w X 5.50″ h. Two concepts must have typography or typography with line art. The third concept may contain a photographic image. Writing about your design process for each phase of the project is required. Deadlines for each phase will be provided each week in class and on Blackboard. The project will be done in phases:

Phase 1: Sketches on paper–photos taken and uploaded to your Drop box folder. 
(Due next week, 10/6/23.)

Phase 2: Concepts Uploaded as JPEGs to your OpenLab site & presented as JPEGS to Class for Critique. Written descriptions of your design thinking should accompany each concept. A preliminary grade will be given with feedback for improving project. 

Phase 3: Concepts Revised and Final JPEGs uploaded to OpenLab site and print-ready PDFs for uploaded to Your OpenLab site. PDFs should be exported from InDesign as Print-Ready at 300 ppi and follow the production which will be provided. 

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NOTE: Remember to add appropriate Category and Tags to your posts. This will help your colleagues and other visitors find the content they are looking for. The Category “Research” and the Tags “OpenLab” and “City Tech” have already been applied to this post. Feel free to make changes!