Photo retouch.

Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to write about my first time retouching photos.
My supervisor has given me photos of models to retouch and since I have never really done it before it was a little challenging. I worked on it for a couple of hours, like around 3 and managed to do it pretty good. 😀
I also took photos of the products which were on a white board, I took a couple of shoots and ran it by my supervisor if they were taken from a good angle. After she liked them I copied them onto my laptop and started to work on them. Cleaning up the background like shadows and making it lighter. Those images were easy to retouch and didn’t take as long as the other ones. This assignment was definitely different from my other assignments during my internship but it was a great learning experience and I have definitely learned how to retouch photos better.

Yayy me !

Have a great day.

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