My first day !

Hi all,
My first day in the office !
I have came in a little before 10 am and waited for my supervisor to come, and when she did she showed me to my desk and I started setting up. About 30 minutes later, she assigned me a design to create and I started to work on it. A little after 12pm I showed her what I have made and she liked it.
Yay me!
 After that I went for lunch and when I came back my supervisor was at a meeting and she e-mailed me to research some inspirational photos of summer and flowers. So I was researching images for about two hours and when she came back she assigned me some more work to do. Which wasn’t actually graphics but a word design for their up coming event. And by the time I knew, it was already around 6pm and I was told that I can start getting ready to leave. So I did as I was told and punched out my card at 6pm and when home 🙂 ! First day at the internship was great.

What I have worked on my first day.
AUG 25th 3

Have a great week !

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