A little about my first internship.

Hi Everyone !

How are you guys doing ?

So this post is going to be about my first internship,ever! I have heard stories from my friends that had internships and most of them said it was stressful and hard. Well, that put extra stress on me when it was my time to go for an interview and get an internship. But so far, my experience has been nothing but great.

The office is located in Mid Manhattan while the stores have three locations. The company is a private which primary business is lingerie and their unique bras. The customers for this company are women. The company was founded in 1994 to support lingerie that is meant to reshape your body silhouette. The company has boutiques in New York and throughout Asia.

I have attended my internship three times a week for eight hours but recently I have been going two days a week instead. I work on my own laptop and have my own desk. Which you will be able to find a picture of at the end of this post. I work in the graphic design department.

I wasn’t really able to find any news articles about the company except for their store and lingerie reviews. Which most of the reviews are positive on both the lingerie and customer service at the store.

Hope you had a good read !



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