Research Projects

2016 Greater New York Dental meeting Presentation

This was an opportunity presented to us in our seminar course to research an area of interest within dental hygiene. I, along with two other classmates decided to research common injuries associated with dental hygiene clinical practice and the ways in which hygienist can go about preventing and treating these conditions. The research focused on musculoskeletal disorders that are common amongst hygienist within clinical practice. We were able to explain the various disorders associated with improper ergonomics in the oporatory and the ways to go about preventing and alleviating some of the symptoms.

This research project enhanced our clinical skills by allowing us to have a first hand look at the importance of ergonomics and proper positioning during treatment. An often overlooked aspect of hygiene practice is the physical demands placed on the body overtime. Without a concerted effort on the part of the hygienist to prevent and reduce injuries,  clinical practice  over the long term can be a challenge.