
This Lesson walks the user on how to make a PygLatin Translator

The First Lesson simply tells to make a line that prints the phrase “Pig Latin’pyg-1The second task was to make a variable by the name of original. Within the variable the command raw_input was used along with a string of “enter a word” These commands activate the translator for human input.pyg-2Now it is time to make an if statement to determine what feedback the computer will give.


This lesson asked to simply add second condition to the if statement with the use of a logical boolean “and’


This lesson is used to test your code.pyg-5

New section; new code. The first is to make a variable name “pyg” and make equal to the suffix “ay”


The task for this lesson was to add on the code made in lesson 4 . Two new variables was made: one called word, another called first.


This lesson asked to make a concatenation with the three variables made.pyg-8

After that a slice was needed to be made to the if statement.


And lastly, a simple check of the code.
