In the Walt Disney Company, each cast member follows a set of Disney Standards known as “the Four Keys”. Each Key represents a standard that the company feels is vital to being a good employee.
Here in Walt Disney World you will find on the property signs repeating, “Safety begins with me.” This is a belief the company drills into each employee to keep both the guest and employees safe. Each day I put this idea in action while at work. One situation that where this was needed most was after an incident Pop Century resort. A housekeeper was brutally assaulted when a man entered her room. He was able to do so because she had left the door propped open. We were then informed to always keep our doors closed, and always keep a housekeeping sign on the door.
I took this into account at work. I made sure to always have my house keepers sign, and to close each door. My co-workers and I took extra measures by making sure to send a group text letting one another know our location.
While working at Disney World, I showed courtesy, when communicating with my follow cast members. A perfect example of this was when I helped my house person organize the store room. My rooms were not ready yet and I saw he had a lot to do. Instead of waiting in the break room I took it upon myself to help a follow cast member.
The show aspect of Disney Standards, discusses how you present yourself on “stage,” or in front of guest. This is important for Disney because it is vital to keeping Disney magic alive. I showed this by making sure to present myself friendly and approachable to guest. Each time a little girl passed by, I greeted “Hello Princess.” I also showed, “show,” in each of my rooms, by making each guest a personalized towel animal. From a Minnie and Mickey in a newlywed room to “zoo” towel animals.
While at Disney I was efficient in my work, by making sure to use the proper amount of supplies being carful to not go over. The company also trained us to be efficient by using the unused towels in a checkout room to dry the floors and showers.