Learning Analysis

Pursuing a BSN degree helped me in many ways and I believe it will make a significant difference in my career. First of all, the nursing research class helped me understand how to provide effective care by looking at evidenced based practices that came from nursing researches. By taking the leadership and case management courses I learned how to be competent in communication, collaboration and negotiation with the other staff members. Community and Urban nursing courses were notably helpful for me because it enable me to explore health issues outside of hospital and clinical settings. For example, in Community nursing,  I learned the skills that are necessary to promote, maintain and restore health for clients of all ages in a community. From urban health, I learned that many health problems are preventable by enforcing certain policies. For example, Obesity is a global issue which is a big health burden because obesity can lead to many health problems such as diabetes, gallbladder disease, hypertension, and etc. The increasing prevalence rate of obesity globally is connected to globalization of material, development, and media programs and advertisement.  Therefore, we need governments/policy makers’ involvements to overcome this global issue for obesity.  In short, BSN courses not only helped me to enhance my clinical skills but also help me gain knowledge in proper managing, effective communicating, and  critical thinking. Thus enable me to care patients by looking at a broad picture other than merely hospital or clinical settings.

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