
In order to solve for simple or complex operations  we need to complete several steps. First, you need to define your variables with names that are understandable to read and define them with values. To perform the operation desire, give the function a name and since the variables are already define, write the function desire to be performed i.e  x + y . Then use the command “print” in order to print the text we want to show as part of the results, right after the print is defined, we can use a “,” followed by the name of the function named before to combine and show the result of the function.

print “width = 17”
print “height = 12.0”
print “delimiter = ‘.'”
width = 17
height = 12.0
delimiter = ‘.’
div = width/2
print “width / 2: “, div
div2 = width/2.0
print “Width / 2.0: “, div2
heig = height/3
print “Height / 3: “, heig
oper = 1 + 2 * 5
print “operation 1 + 2 * 5: “, oper
deli = delimiter * 5
print “delimiter * 5: “, deli
