Student Work


I found the work of Suet Yiu Wong on  Her logo designs were clear and professionally done.

Examples of Contrast


These 3 images below are great examples of contrast, because of highten difference of light and dark colors.  For the last image, the contrast plays with the how th e backgound and foreground look to other people.


Joris Laarman Incoming Loan

Joris Laarman Incoming Loan

Thumbnail Sketches

Starting off with thumbnail sketches is a strong way of pulling your idea from your head to paper.  Doing this helps clear the brain fog people get when they try to put out the vision they have but in the best form possible.  While that is good and all , it’s always better to keep things short and simple.  That way we can get more things done on a design project, instead of focusing too much on one aspect.

Postivity In Detroit

The Detroit Institute and The Charles H Wright Museum of African American History are setting up collections of art inspired during the Detroit rebellion and civil right movement in the 1960’s.  It’s designed in way where it parallels certain events that still go on to this day.  It’s great  to see an appreciation for culture, art, and history from the people of Detroit, which is mainly known for the violence that takes place there.



My main goal in design is being able to be more willing to collabate with other people on creative projects, the main reason for me taking this class.  In terms of art work I would say Alberto Giacometti mainly because of his out look of how art shouldn’t aim to reproduce reality but create a reality of the same intensity.  I don’t have a preferred design process or project that I would like to do, but I’m willing to be open minded to learning all the different types of media in design.

Jason C Griffin


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