Hey everyone! Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: the wild ride of finding that dream internship. Let me tell you, it’s been a journey filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of uncertainty. But amidst the chaos, I’ve discovered the power of perseverance, resilience, and the occasional late-night snack binge to keep me going.

Let’s start with the hard stuff, shall we? Landing the perfect internship is no walk in the park. It’s more like a marathon of endless applications, nerve-wracking interviews, and the dreaded sound of rejection emails pinging in your inbox. And let’s not even get started on the mental gymnastics of comparing yourself to your peers and wondering if you’ll ever measure up.

I’ll admit it: there were moments when I felt like throwing in the towel. The constant cycle of hope and disappointment took its toll on my mental health, leaving me feeling drained, discouraged, and questioning my worth. It’s tough out there, and no amount of inspirational quotes or motivational pep talks can sugarcoat the reality of rejection.

But here’s the thing about perseverance: it’s like a stubborn little seed planted deep within your soul, refusing to let you give up. It’s that voice in your head that whispers, “You’ve come this far, don’t stop now. Your breakthrough is just around the corner.”

And boy, am I glad I listened to that voice. Because after what felt like a lifetime of setbacks and soul-crushing rejections, I finally landed a very solid internship at Brooklyn College. The moment I saw that acceptance email, I swear I could have done a victory dance right then and there (I may have actually done one, but let’s keep that between us).

So, what kept me going when the going got tough? Well, for starters, it was a healthy dose of self-compassion. I had to remind myself that rejection wasn’t a reflection of my worth or abilities. It was simply a part of the process, a rite of passage on the road to success.

But more than anything, it was the support of my friends, family, and mentors that truly carried me through. Their words of encouragement, late-night study sessions, and occasional pizza-fueled study breaks reminded me that I wasn’t in this alone. Together, we weathered the storm and emerged stronger, wiser, and ready to take on whatever challenges came our way.

And now, as I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my journey at Brooklyn College, I’m filled with excitement, anticipation, and a healthy dose of nerves. But I know that no matter what obstacles lie ahead, I have the resilience, determination, and sheer grit to overcome them.

To all my fellow dreamers out there, chasing that internship or pursuing your passion: remember that the road to success is rarely a straight line. It’s filled with detours, roadblocks, and unexpected pit stops. But with perseverance, resilience, and the occasional pizza break, you can navigate the twists and turns with grace and grit.

Here’s to chasing dreams, overcoming obstacles, and celebrating every victory along the way. The journey may be tough, but trust me, the destination is oh-so-sweet.

Until next time, keep dreaming, keep hustling, and never, ever give up.

John Gregorios

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