As my internship at Brooklyn College winds down, I wanted to take a moment to share some reflections on my experience, particularly on a project I worked on with my advisor, Isana. We tackled cover designs together, and it was quite the ride!

To be honest, when I started, I was pretty confident in my design skills. But when I showed Isana my first drafts, it was clear I had some work to do. Instead of getting down on myself, though, I took Isana’s feedback to heart.

Isana didn’t just point out what wasn’t working; she gave me actionable advice on how to improve. I listened, made adjustments, and slowly but surely, my designs started to come together.

Looking back, I’m proud of how far I’ve come.

This internship has been an incredible opportunity for growth, and I’m grateful to Brooklyn College for providing it. I’ve gained valuable skills, made meaningful connections, and I’m excited to see where this experience takes me next.

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