During my internship, I had the opportunity to contribute to a collaborative project aimed at updating the heat map data for student enrollment at Brooklyn College. This project required us to analyze and revise existing data to provide a more accurate representation of enrollment trends.

Working closely with Deriann, a fellow intern, we embarked on this task. Despite being a relatively small team of two, our collaboration was instrumental in the success of the project. Our primary mode of communication was through text messaging, allowing for quick exchanges of ideas and updates. Additionally, we utilized Google Drive to share files seamlessly, ensuring smooth collaboration despite the remote nature of our work.

One of the key successes of this project was our constant communication. By staying in touch regularly, we were able to address any challenges that arose promptly and keep each other informed of our progress. This ensured that we remained aligned in our approach and objectives throughout the project duration.

However, like any endeavor, we encountered a few hurdles along the way. One notable challenge was at the project’s outset when I mistakenly believed that I needed to create everything from scratch. This initial misstep resulted in some wasted time and effort, setting us back temporarily. However, through open communication and collaboration, we were able to overcome this setback and refocus our efforts on the task at hand.

Overall, the collaborative nature of this project allowed us to pool our strengths and expertise, resulting in a successful outcome. By leveraging effective communication and teamwork, we were able to contribute to the enhancement of student enrollment heat maps for Brooklyn College.

John Gregorios

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