I think one of the reasons why I love the creative industry is that people are very laid back when the pressure of completing a huge project was off. During the beginning of our internship, that was the case. We would work on minor assignments such as assisting in retouching images, scanning, printing documents and then our regular lunch. I mainly worked with our supervisor and one of the other interns. We worked closely together and joked while focusing on a couple of assignments. We organized photo files, negatives and stored them. Some days were slow and some were pressure intensive. On the pressure intensive day, we would be doing lots of research on specific topics and lots of googling images to create pitches, decks and mood boards. These decks were then reviewed by our supervisor and then pitched to clients. These decks were for big projects too. We pitched to FaceBook, Puma etc. Some decks were for smaller fashion companies located in NYC.

Aside from the studio days, there were also high intensive shooting days. Massive photo set ups were prepped, sometimes we would help with the set up. Call sheets were given and many people arrived. Producers, models, musicians, designers, etc. I shot photo and video bts during those days. Sometimes me and my partner would be assigned different assignments during these days. We met many people.


This is one of the BTS images during a heavy shoot with multiple clients at Milk Studios.