Title: Inked: Linns Tale
Director: Jeeniya Dewan
Actor 1: Linneth Marquez
Location: Long Island City, Greenwich Village, Linn’s home
Scene 1: LIC
- Time lapse of the sunset over NYC.
- Song Cue.
- Title Cue.
- Director credit cue.
Scene 2: Greenwich Village
- Close up on disco ball.
- Introduce the audience to the story
- Cue voice over,
Scene 3: LIC
- Cue video of portrait.
- Introduce the audience of topic of tattoo.
- Cue voice over.
Scene 4: LIC
- Close up on video of eucalyptus plant.
- Voice over continues to this scene.
- Introduction of the first tattoo.
Scene 5: Linneths home. Actress on screen.
- Clip of rose tattoo behind Linns neck.
- Voice over continues.
- Voice over ends.
Scene 6: LIC
- Clip of second tattoo drawn.
- Introduce the second tattoo.
- Cue voice over.
Scene 7: Linneths home. Actress on screen.
- voice over continues.
- Voice over end.
Final Scene: Cue Credits.