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One thought on “Welcome!

  1. Johnnie Davis Post author

    My name is Johnnie Davis. I enjoy helping others and also doing for myself. I find it rewarding to help people, doing something to make their day an even better one. When I first arrived at NYCCT I wanted to become a Rad. Tech. After taking two years of pre-requisites I didn’t get in that program. I felt awful, like I’ve wasted a significant part of my life. I tried to rebound by enrolling into the Liberal Arts Studies but that didn’t go very well either. Finally I enrolled into the Hospitality program, and I’ve been happier ever since. There are so many wonderful figures affiliated with this program that it gives you joy to come here and learn. I look forward to being in class, so much so that I haven’t missed 5 days in as many years.
    I have found a new sense of being. I’m a bit more careful, a bit more cautious in different areas. I tend to think things through a bit now. I know I’m not right all the time, but I can admit when I’m wrong. Studying and being around academicians helped to change the way I think and perceive. With most things I can place a value, and somewhere close to the essentials of preservation is the need for a good education. I don’t have a lot of chances, so I want to get this right the first time, the only time. I have seen many grace these halls of higher learning and not know where they landed. For me cooking is a passion. I started in the kitchen about 8 yrs. old. I grew up with 5 brothers and 3 sisters so money was scarce. There was no time for burning food and make mistakes, especially with mines. I started when my mother would be out working and we had to fin for ourselves. We didn’t have all the time, but sometimes we did, and we were happy. I spent many days in the kitchen with my mother and father as they prepared meals. When my mother made cakes she would let me lick the bowl. I helped her with whatever I could, and this prepared me to work in many different kitchens. Today I’m interested in all the aspects of hotels and restaurants, but I really like to cook. I also like to learn from others who know more than me. In the process of learning to cook, I learn more about myself. Also how to treat others. People often say “you can’t teach an old….etc.”, but I don’t think that applies to me. I’ve won the Rachel Ray’s Yum-O and the James Beard scholarships. Lord knows I don’t want to let anybody down, so I’m gonna do even better and give us all what we want.


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