Author Archives: Jonathan Coll;ymore


cat image

What i learned is how to invent a app. How to add color sound and effects. You have to drag and drop the button component to Screen #1. In order to make the button have an image of a cat,you have to click the text that says none and upload new. A window will pop up to let you choose the image.To change the Button’s text delete “Button1”, so that the Button’s text is blank and there is no writing over the cats face.

EMT 1111 Lab 2

x = [1, 2, 3] # a different [1, 2, 3]
y = x
z = [1]
y = “hello” _Error

Description – This section of Python emphasizes readibility of codes, and syntax. It allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines than would be possible in languages. It provides structures intended to enable clear programs. Python supports multiple programs and It features a dynamic types of system and memory management and has a large standard library.


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