Lab #6

QuizMe: Rap

In another application created for the Android community, I bring you, QuizMe: Rap Edition. This is an application that quizzes you on the title and artist of a certain album. The application will display an album cover and the question will ask you a question about it. Some of the question are two part questions and must be answered on the text box with the following format: “Answer1, Answer2”. The answers are case-sensitive meaning an artist name must be capitalized as well as the album name. To check if you got the question correct or incorrect you click on the “Submit” button, it will display a text at the bottom giving you the result. Once you got it correct or incorrect you click on the “Next” button to move to the next question. There are four questions and four different images. I tweaked the application and added my own custom topic and theme. Enjoy the application and those fan of rap should breeze through the questions.


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