I was still trying to polish my resume. That’s what my professor told me to do. I was just taking orders, only because for one thing she knows what she’s talking about. She’s been in the environments of working in probably a bunch of design internships. No wonder she’s in the position she’s at, today. Probably in the future too. She deserves me giving her a LITTLE praise.

In an email, what she specifically, told me to do was this:


I asked that you speak with your portfolio instruction about what specifically you can do to improve your portfolio as we focused on your resume in the drop in zoom session and we ran out of time to discuss your portfolio. 

The portfolio class focuses on the portfolio area. For now, I am going to focus on your resume as that is something that still needs work. The layout is better with regard to the subheads being smaller, etc. You do still need to work on making the spacing consistent between your headings and the copy below. Each heading shoudl have the same amount of white space between it and the copy beneath it. You also need to balance out the page so that your two columns align more closely. You can consider adding a category such as Volunteer Work or Student Clubs. I do suggest to all students that they join a club  or a professional association. This shows that the student is part of the larger design community here at City Tech or in the industry. I provide many suggestions under networking of professional associations to join. You could also consider adding another design element. If you’ve had another job at a store or a coffee shop, that experience could be added also.  

And now here are revisions to  content.  

For an intern or a recent college graduate, your Education should be the first thing a potential employer sees as you don’t yet have related design experience. ”

  1. Move Education to where Experience now is.
  2. You need to list the college first/ Name of college should be on 1 line
  3.  Right below the name you state: BFA in Communication Design Expected June 2023
  4. Write: Bronx Community College and then below that, list the specific degree you earned. Look it up on BCC’s website. For example, at City Tech, the AAS degree is in Applied Science 
  5. Move Experience under Education
  6. List the title of the company where you worked on one line and capitalize the first letter of each word of the company name.
  7. List your title, Intern, in italics and then provide the dates on the same line like this: Intern                     Summer 2018
  8. capitalize Answering  and Organizing
  9. Removed I was a receptionist and instead, if you were the receptionist, then use that as your title instead of intern. 

Under Skills:
Just do a list of the computer programs you know under this area. I would remove the soft skills for now from this area. Generally, soft skills are incorporated into you About Me on your portfolio or under experience or a short summary on the resume. 

Under Coursework:

  1. Capitalize both works in course name Communication Design II and remove parentheses. 
  2. You need to add line space (leading) between the course listing and the description of what was done. 
  3. Rewrite description to say: Worked on a redesign of the City Tech library website. Ideally, you’ve give more information on what specifically you did. Was it wire framing or did you work on a specific section of the site. Did you work in a team, etc. A little more detail would be helpful. 
  4. Capitalize the name of the course & remove parentheses: Intro to Video Class Fall 2020 
  5. Add space between the course name and the start of the descriptions
  6. Work on the descriptions. It is not clear to me what location as a character means. Did you develop a character so explain that more. Also, be more specific about what PSA video you worked on and how did you use to create and/or edit that video?

Under Activities

  1. You need to add line space (leading) between each activity you list
  2. Capitalize all words but prepositions so write: Online Research or Walks in the Park
  3. It makes your activities more interesting to a viewer if you add detail so instead of saying “a Little Bit of Traveling,’ you could instead write Traveling to Art Museums in the City or Traveling to (name a style of cuisine you like) Restaurants in New York City.  These are just examples. What I am looking for as a reader is you to tell me more about the type of traveling you do. 
  4. The same is true about “Writing Stories”—what time of stories? Is is children’s stories or suspenseful stories or biographies. 
  5. Studying Broadcast Videos doesn’t really tell the reader much. You need to be more specific. How are you studying them?

Do reach out with any questions regarding these suggestions. Regards,

Professor Goetz”

I fixed all those things. additional revisions were done, all of which she told me to in this pdf below.

Any words that had a yellow objects and red cross marks, were some things I had to fix.

Which I also did. Along with making the links in my pdf hyperlinks.

The professor also told me that she was goona reach out to the professional development center to see if she can get me an internship with them. She don’t even know if they have an availability for me. (as of 3/6/2023). Along with another employer for another possible design internship, that I can get myself in.

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