Elevator Pitch – Dream of Hell Trailer

For this project, I was asked to make an elevator pitch for a topic of my choice. I was given this assignment in my Writing with New Media Course. The ultimate topic I chose was to create an elevator pitch for a trailer for a movie.

Pitch: Imagine a college student who constantly daydreams – only that one day during class, they get trapped in their dreamscape.  My trailer is called ‘Dream of Hell’ and tells the story of a college student trapped, finding their way back to reality after a tortuous horror-based realistic dream.

I learned narrative digital storytelling, such as portrayed scenery, emotions, music, and script writing. 

This project required me to use my digital filmmaking and technical writing skills to produce a video trailer and script for my elevator pitch. 

Skills used: Digital filmmaking, technical writing, digital narrative, filmography, and script writing 

Tools used: YouTube, iPhone, iMovie, Cute Cut Pro and Google Docs


This section displays all of my website-based projects. Here, you can find my very first HTML-based website and learn more about how I created it.

Welcome to Weebmania

Test Run GitHub HTML website

Weebmania is a project dedicated to the usage of HTML, a HyperText markup language site where content can be structured. The purpose of this project was to create a test-run HTML-based website that offers easy user navigation. Weebmania was an assignment given out in my Information Architecture class.

Skills used: Information architecture, website navigation, labeling, coding, organization, & metadata

Tools used: GitHub & HTML

Hush Crush

For this project, I was asked to make a Magnum Opus, a product worthy to be called my greatest achievement. I was given this assignment in my Digital Storytelling course. This project required me to unleash my creativity and create a digital story called Hush Crush, a coming-of-age and discovering identity short film. I learned the various aspects of the narrative of digital storytelling, such as knowing my audience and having compelling content. I learned the several platforms and digital tools to create these narratives.

Skills used: filmography, editing, & script writing 

Tools used: Cute Cut Pro (a video editing app), iMovie (a video editing app), & Google Docs (to type out the script)

Character Who

A Handmade Board Game

For this project, I was asked to create a tabletop board game for my Introduction to Language and Technology course. The purpose of the project was to create a hands-on tabletop game alongside an instruction rule book. This project focused on interpersonal skills such as turn-taking, understanding, critical thinking, and language skills. The main focus of this project was to create a rule book dedicated to my board game that offered reader-friendly & easy to understand terminology.

Skills used: Instruction writing, information architecture, & interpersonal skills

Tools used: Google Docs, cardboard, metal prongs, & computer/printer