Field Trip

United Federation of Teachers

Our visit to United Federation of Teachers was very interesting and helpful for people who want to deal with design. The UFT, is a teacher’s union that helps aid and support teachers across the nation. They had a lot of machines for web printing that supporting with products only UFT. Machines are used throughout the day and producing up to 1000 copies. Different machine used for different purpose.

I found this one really useful, because it saves a lot of time for workers. Machine simply was sorting papers, then putting them inside envelopes and close them.

Also, liked the printer that is printing large posters that are 100×100. Moreover, we saw some examples of printing.

I enjoyed watching how T-shirts printing machine works. And that’s impressive, considering fact that sometimes they are getting orders of thousands of them for special event.

As designers we need to understand in what form is better to send files for printing. And to know what will be the next step after you send your work for printing.