The Visually Enhanced Quotes

While reading the book “The Sun and Her Flowers” by Rupi Kaur I noticed the quote “You do not just wake up and become a butterfly, growth is a process”. I liked this quote, because some people think that to achieve something you don’t have much to do. But in real life, people are making mistakes, and if they can’t do something they would try again and again to reach their goal.

I choose this image, because it is related to the quote visually, with the image of Butterfly. The script font is showing tenderness of an image and the quote together. White color for the text helping to highlight it and make noticeable. 


Next image is more colorful and alive. The image is related to the “growth” process, about which the quote is. To make image more simple I used Wire One font and used different green color shades for different parts of quote, that made a harmony between colors in the image and in text.


Looking at people in the front we can think about achieving a goal. And by using this image to the quote I wanted to show that, despite all difficulties they had, this people reached their goals and they had not easy way to it. I used Papyrus Condensed font and the black color for the text. Because background has a lot of colors and colored text will not look good.