
Calvino’s essay is about the existence of levels of reality in literature. According to him, different levels of reality may be matched by level s of credibility or different suspension of disbelief.Calvino shows how when writing about fiction, nothing should be taken for granted. He uses specific examples to support what he is writing about by being cautious and clear.

-How does Calvino differentiate the various level of reality in literature?

– He mentioned that authors tend to use the person in their writhing while inventing that character, how  has he proved that?

Fabrice Douillard

About Fabrice Douillard

My father is an electrical technician who is the first person to inspire me. He always encourages me to assist him at work in order to learn new things. From his drive, I have learned how to appreciate hard work and as a result have become a person who has enthusiasm, ambition, perseverance and integrity. However, my school has taught me how to appreciate group work. I perform at my fullest potential in group setting. I can truly say that my performance is at its peak when I am a part of a group. School has also made me enjoy tutoring others to assist them in become excellent students. Regardless at the position I hold, leader, tutor, or organizer. I never fail to amaze myself and others. Collaborating is what I enjoy the most when it comes to team work. During the Moody’s Math Challenge (a high school statewide Math competition held on April 2011), I worked with my peers to solve the Colorado River’s evaporation issue. I functioned as the data specialist. My portion was added to the writing and the derivation of formulas by other students to create our final work. Once again, my success was dependent on others successes. I understand in life “no man is an island”. It takes my greatness combined with others to breed success. I can also define success as being able to assist others at school, I am known for tutoring my classmates for regents’ exams and in class tests. I believe that if I am capable, then I should share my capabilities to increase others. Alexander Graham Bell was of the same philosophy. Bell considered his most famous invention an intrusion on his real work as a scientist. I am a thinker by the idea to incorporate my talents considered as gifts like math, science, athlete as being thinker outside of the box.
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