Levels of Reality , Group Work

Tiana C, Melissa H, Estefania L,

Describe: starts with the boy being in school. He was a farmer and the school was in the village. The story then goes back to how his parents met. His father liked the finer things in life. The mother wanted the boy to be smart and the father wanted him to be strong and tough.

Analyze: The story mostly talks of the boy so we think that the story will follow with the mother, Madame Bovary

-The boy goes to a new school

– how his parents met.

– when he went to the university to study

– he becomes a doctor

– he gets married. And his wife gets sick.

2) This story is not very interesting but it does spark curiosity because it makes you want to know what the story’s about as a whole. In the first chapter they only tell you so much about the boy but the title is the mothers name. Maybe there is a reason why they mainly talk about the boy in the first chapter but we don’t yet know why.

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