My questions on the syllabus

1. It mentions that we have a “Textual Analysis Essay (4-5 pages) ” is that only one essay or the format of the essay we will have to write?

2. The novel reading journal, is that reading a book we choose to read or a class selected passage?

3. Will we have the option to revise essays?

2 thoughts on “My questions on the syllabus

    1. johannah rodgers Post author

      We will be drafting and revising essays before handing them in, so I don’t think you will need to revise an essay after handing it in. We will talk more about this issue of revision and what it is in class on Wednesday. We will also talk much more about the novel reading journal on Wednesday. Regarding question #1: the majority of your assignments are “informal” writing assignments, meaning one to two pages of writing in response to texts rather than formal essays.


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