Monthly Archives: January 2013

Group 6: what is Fiction?

Transcriber: Francisco

Presenter: Michael

Poster: Duaa

Poster editor 1: Seyhan

Poster editor 2: Ben

Fiction tends to be mostly make believe with hints or realism. through fiction, the author is able to create a world that can only in his imagination, while granting him the opportunity of conveying a message through his story. fiction often contains elements from the author’s personal life and experiences.



Hello, my introduction is kind of late since I was absent the first day of class. Anyway, my name is Ambar Ubiera. I was majoring in Liberal Arts, but I took an interest in Hotel Administration so I decided to switch my major into Hospitality Management. I like meeting new people, learning other languages, and I also enjoy listening to different types of music.

Group 1 responces to “what is fiction?”

Transcriber: Marissa

Poster: Ken

Presenter: Junie

Poster Editor: Veronica

Fiction is a sort of fantasy literature. It’s made up with imagination and stories that reflect to the culture, life, and even dream. Fiction is the santa. Everything you wish would happen, it could happen in fiction. Sometimes, fiction is something that makes you frustrating, because something you think it’s imposible in the real life, it appears in the fiction. However, fiction is the product of civilazation, it enriches our life.

3 Questions

1. Will we have more than the Texual Analysis Essay and the Final Project? Or will we be given more essays to write?

2. I see that each class has a certain author we will be discussing. Is that subject to change?

3. I also see that on May 6th and May 8th it says presentations. What will we be presenting?


What Is Fiction?: Group Work January 30, 2013

Group 1: Marisa, et. al

Not real.Ā  It could be an art, a fantasy, imagination.Ā  Stories.Ā  Movies.Ā  Reflects culture.Ā  Opens possibilities to what might happen.

Group 2: Nicole, et al.

exaggeration, story, real, made up

Group 3: Mark, et al.

four definitions: similar, but what is the theme?Ā  events that can be motivated by true life that might not be true, images, imaginary, authors imagination in works

Group 4: Mariah, et al.

Fiction is fabricated stories that expands our minds in a few pages

Group 5: Misha, et al.

Fiction is a literary use of imagination.Ā  Fiction is an exaggeration of reality.Ā  May connect or not connect to reality.

Group 6:Ā  Ben, et al.

Fiction is reality, realism, too real, make-believe, writers create a world, real/fictional.Ā  fact/fiction

Group 7: Jessica, et al.

Imagination of the artist told in a story.