Three Questions

1.  How open is the syllabus reading list to be changed a text or two into a reading the class all agrees on?

2. What exactly is peer review? I know its others reading your work but will we be graded on their judgment?

3. I saw Edgar Allen Poe was going to be reading. Can you explain which story of his it will be?

4 thoughts on “Three Questions

  1. johannah rodgers Post author

    I didnt know we were going to be reading Edgar Allen Poe. I hope we read The Raven or Annabelle Lee. Those are his best, in my opinion. But Poe is a poet and i thought we were only reading fiction? :/

    1. johannah rodgers Post author

      In the area where it says “READINGS” POE was listed as one of them. And Edgar Allen Poe is the only one I know. It could be something else like a title or another author but i doubt it


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