8 thoughts on “EX03

  1. Account Deleted

    Team D (Harold, Diego, Jasin) Our idea for the project topic is a Daily Multi-Purpose Tool. Something used on a daily basis that has multi-functionality.

  2. Evan Snyder

    We would like to suggest focusing on an object that is handheld and works with existing technologies as a case, for storage, or augmentation. Additionally, we could focus on using as little material as possible, perhaps by utilizing folding of flat materials, like origami.

    – Device case
    – Carrying case
    – Innovative packaging
    – Accessory for devices or objects we use daily
    – Keychain device or device that attaches to individual

    1. Ezra Stabler

      An example of a common design project. This one is a project for a correlated cardboard stool. The concept of utilizing a limited number of pieces of flat material is able to be transferred to different projects as well. For example I saw a project that required students to build a package for a light bulb utilizing only flat card-stock, less than I believe 6 pieces, that can be folded and tabbed in any way.

      This is a good type of project because the materials are cheap and concept prototyping can be done quickly.

    2. Ezra Stabler

      An example of a common design project. This one is a project for a correlated cardboard stool. The concept of utilizing a limited number of pieces of flat material is able to be transferred to different projects as well. For example I saw a project that required students to build a package for a light bulb utilizing only flat card-stock, less than I believe 6 pieces, that can be folded and tabbed in any way.

      This is a good type of project because the materials are cheap and concept prototyping can be done quickly.

  3. Anita Keo

    Team B: Anita Keo, Erick Loja, Victor Soto.
    Our idea is a mechanical spider with a grappling hook. The application for this spider-bot would be for surveillance in area that are inaccessible to human.


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