07 | Must take Breaks!

My self-evaluation on my performance.

When I am working really hard in photoshop or any other things, I forget to take a break. A simple bathroom break, a simple coffee break or a simple ‘look away from the screen for two minutes.’ I tend to take a break when it’s time for lunch and then when it’s time to leave (which isn’t what you can call a break!).

I feel like it’s one of my lukewarm ‘flaws’, if you can call it that. Breaks are important for mind and body, I know that but I do not act upon it.  I just don’t stop working. Which sounds good, but it’s not because I emotional become kind of frustrated with my work and make more mistakes than I should have.

I found out that studies have shown that your brain activity increases when our minds wander.  Which is especially important for creative and innovative people.  There were studies that even prove this!

The brain scan above shows that there are more activity in your brain if you let your mind wander, also known as taking a break!

I noticed that when I take small breaks, I become a bit more happier, and at ease. I feel less stressed out as well!

Must take more of those mini breaks!