
The plan of the research champion project is to research technologies that present the project and how it works. The studies of tools for the project had been researched through Word Word press is the online technology that helped our plans to prosper and it all started with the open lab. Word Press gives administration privileges to its registrants allowing them to build websites through the subscription of a user profile. Word says, “Word Press is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog”. Before setting out to develop an interface Mike and I made a site named “Research Champion” and with the titles of administrator our team began more research to utilize the tools for documenting the research champion. This research would shape the presentation of our project and illustrate how the project works. First the background image and the Header container was made it showed exactly what the homepage of the application “Research Champion” would look and feel like. Mike addressed and designed every graphic that made up the image presenting it with a focus on the user experience and technology. The user would not enter the site and expect the game to be played, because the idea isn’t going in the direction of finished prototype, but would understand how the game is to be played through the button graphics, title, and overall layout denoted in this important picture. Most importantly the administrator has the advantages of updating versions of the project implementing new ideas and restructuring the plans so that promotion of the themes and rules of the game and how to play it is finalized through documentation. Research champion would need to be educational from visualization to prototype and the understanding of academic technologies like WordPress makes it clear who are audience is, but anyone can play.

The team’s presentations are about the work done on both sides, and each member of the group tells his story then they refer to questions about the project. With the Prezi you can upload images add text and videos to your presentation., says, “click insert from the bubble menu, then click image.” The Prezi learn video explains how easy it is to upload images and text and the bubble menu is a download manager for the Prezi application that allows you to make several types of presentations. It is easy to speak to the public and graphics, notes, images and audio can be presented by the application. The plan is to create a Prezi presentation listing our ideas and the goal of our research tool. The focus is the functionality of the project. The inspiration that brought us to the decision to make an research game, who and what will be effected by are project and our experience making the project. Since we are familiar with the process of writing a research paper, it is an opportunity for us to offer advise in a creative way that explains to people how to write research papers. In our list the common goals are expressed and our language is visual when we point out the functionality of our project.

It is a good idea to put tabs on your progress, and a better idea to document what the project functions are through a model or goal completion. For example never state that the tool itself will only make sense if you were the only user, but instead let the next user know the functions of the project to prepare them. I say this, because of experience, not everyone knows how to research, but if I can create a site that functions for the purpose of teaching people to research I find it more important to tell them that the technology used to present you the documentation is just important. This communication develops a community learning like the internet tutorials on how to do stuff, and ounce you can communicate your ideas and projects it helps to further other people. Using these technologies in a college setting is good and inexpensive. Word Press has registration fees and Prezi is propriety software, still the college pays for WordPress and Prezi has a free version.

Courtesy of Bing images

Mike Ferrara(2012)

Works Cited

Learn. Prezi 2012. Web. 05/20/2012.
About. Word Press 2012. Web. 05/20/2012
Bubble. Bing Images 2012. 05/20/2012
Ferrara, Mike. 2012.Researchchampion.ipad2. Web. 05/20/2012

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