I have been using Pinterest since my freshman year of high school. It is my go-to app for inspiration and mood board ideas. I used it socially and educationally. Socially part I would send funny pictures I find on Pinterest to my friends and family. Every time you search for something on Pinterest it gives you a great selection of what you are looking for. It gives a color palette, other designs, examples, etc. I definitely would agree that Pinterest is better than google when searching for ideas and mood boards. Google search engines sometimes give you the most random things that you did not even search for. Sometimes it can be overbearing. Pinterest is free and all you have to do is sign up for an account. I always use my Gmail account to sign up for apps because then all of them would have the same password. I would just easily remember the password and not forget it. When you create an account you can save each image to your own mood board. It will be forever saved in your account as long as you don’t delete it.
I just finished my senior project this semester and for my research in my process book, I used Pinterest. I would search and search every time for inspiration for logos, mock-ups, menus, ads, and color palettes. The platform is very resourceful and for personal experiences, I always love it for ideas. I haven’t had a bad encounter with the app so far and it has just been so useful to me during my senior project.
The images below are some of the mood board searches I used for my senior project this year.

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