The third thing that I learned from my internship is to always have patience with your supervisors. When I was finished with my 120 hours and I had to fill out my time sheet. After I was done I message my supervisor Jennifer on the Rock app. I told her I completed my hours and that here was my form. I told whatever you have time can she sign the form and sent the form back to me, please. Two weeks later she still hasn’t sent me the form but every time I sent her the form. She would rely right away upon saying “got it and thank you.” I assumed she would send it to me a couple of days later but she did not. Later I found out that she was waiting for me to send her my final evaluation form so we could have a one-on-one. Everything works out for the best because of Crystal’s message to me with more changes to the Bollywood X Mas post. So I add more hours to my timesheet which by now over 120 hours. The lesson for me is don’t always assume the worst, and always check with your supervisor before you make an assumption.