Author Archives: Shandym



Comm. Organizing

After attending the community meeting held in public school 249, I got more of an insight of my community and what others are trying to do in order to build it. During the meeting, topics such as the environment, transportation, education and public safety. Being this was my first opportunity being in such meeting, it was kind of intense to see how much the people were so passionate about what they were asking for and how much they wanted their voices to be heard. Some people had different opinions than others, some felt stronger about one topic while others felt the same for a different one. Like for example, when it came to the environment some people felt that parking was limited and it should be dealt with, they voiced why they felt such way and happily shared their own experiences. There were complaints about not having enough youth programs for kids, which is what I highly agreed with. In my community, there is hardly any programs available for the idle hands compared to other communities and we feel if they were, there would be less crime and less problems on the streets. When it came to the environment, there were many complaints about the noise, and about nothing being done to limit it. There were people who insisted on bringing more greens and garden into the community which I noted as great because they pointed out something to benefit it. Throughout the end of the meeting, it was discussed that there would be additional child care programs being added. There were also discussions about an historic theater called Kings Theater on Flatbush being renovated with restoration of performing arts which will be linked in cultural corridor of the community. My experience of this meeting was positive. It was interesting seeing what people wanted and great to know that I felt the same way. It was powerful to see a community come together in order to build a better environment, not only for them but for the generations to come. The key notes at the end was the most inspiring. Kind of gave up that there’s more to come and that change will eventually happen. Kind of gives us something to look forward too. It was great to know there was a way to use advocacy and a freedom of speech and that you don’t have to be a head leader to see the change you want come to life.










   7:15 P.M.Public Hearing on Community Board 14’s proposed recommendations for the City’s Capital and                            Expense Budgets for Fiscal Year 2016. (Proposed budget priority recommendations will be available                       for review after September 23rd on the CB 14 website at Copies will be                          provided upon request).                                                              

   7:30 P.M.Regular Monthly Meeting of Brooklyn Community Board 14                                                                                       





  5. a) Recommendation – CB14 Budget Priorities for Fiscal Year 2016 5. TOPICAL COMMITTEES – REPORTS AND ITEMS:
    1. Education, Libraries and Cultural Affairs
    2. Transportation
    3. Community Environment
    4. Human Services
    5. Youth Services
    6. Public Safety
      2. a) Task Force on the Revitalization of the Junction Area


Tuesday, October 21, 2014, Education, Libraries & Cultural Affairs Committee, CB14 District Office, 810 East 16th Street, 7:00 PM


  1. Update on Capital Projects at Brooklyn College – Steven Schechter, Executive Director of Government     and External Affairs, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
  2. Other business1. Continued Review of Community Board 14 By-Laws
  3. Tuesday, October 28, 2014, Community Environment Committee, CB14 District Office, 810 East 16th Street, 7:00 PM
  4. Monday, October 27, 2014, By-Laws Review Committee, CB14 District Office, 810 East 16th Street, 7:30 PM
  1. Report on Tree Pruning Program and Playground Projects – Stephanie Thayer, Parks and Recreation
  2.    Manager; Representatives from Brooklyn Forestry, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
  3. Presentation on Green Buffer Zones – Susannah Laskaris, Community Gardening Consultant,      P.S. 217School Garden Manager
  4. Other businessplease call the CB14 District Office at 718-859-6357 to register for time or you may register to speak on the evening of the meeting.                                                                                                                      
  6. If you would like to speak during the public hearing or during the public portion of the board meeting,

Know your community

Shanice Martin

HUS- 2307

Assignment #1


Questions about your community Source Consulted
  1. What is your home zip code? 11226
  1. Does your community have a name? If so, what is it? Flatbush.
  1. What is the number of your community board? Briefly state its purpose. The number of this community board is 14. Cb 14 purpose is to deal with complaints and requests by community. They work with agencies to plan projects and acts as community liaison with city agencies.
CB14Brooklyn, About,


  1. Who is the president of your community board?

Eric Adams is the president

  1. Who is the district manager of the community board? The district manager is Shawn Alyse Campbell.
CB14Brooklyn, From the district manager,


  1. Who is your current New York City Council Member, what communities does s/he serve, what council committees does s/he serve on?

Jumaan D Williams is the council committee, he serves Flatbush,East Flatbush, Flatlands, parts of Midwood and Canarsie. He represents 45th council District in Brooklyn and serves as Deputy leader of NYC council and chair of the committee on housing and buildings.


  1. Who is your New York State Assembly Member?

James Tedisco Assembly District 112

Ny Assembly


  1. Who is your New York State Senator?


Chuck Schumer; Kirsten Gillibrand ;


  1. Who are your U.S. Senators?

Gillibrand, Kristen E ; Schumer, Charles E


  1. Who is your U.S. congressional Representative?

Yvette D Clarke Democrat


  1. What are the basic demographics of your community (total population, gender, age levels, race/ethnicity, income levels, household sizes, educational levels)

The total amount of population from 2007/09 is about 164,693. The male gender is about 42.7% while the females are 52.5%. 6.9% are Asians, 34.5% are Black, 15.1% are Latino, 41.5% are white and 2.0% are other. The graduation level from 2010-11 is 80.5% compared to the dropout rate being 4.1% and 2.7% students are college ready. 31.3% people that are 25 and older attained a bachelor’s degree or higher while 18.3 have less than a high school degree.

U.S census 2000; 2007/09 American Community Survey
  1. What is the health status of your community? 21.3% of people’s health are either fair or good, 33.9% are good, 25.9% are very good and 18.2% are very good.
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
  1. What are the crime statistic for your community? As of 2010 the violent crime rate is 4.8%, the property crime rate is 7.2%, the felony crime is 12.0 and stop and frisk is 62.5%.
Crime Rates; NYPD; Stop & Frisk; NYPD; Center for Constitutional Rights/ New York Times.
  1. Briefly describe the education/cultural resources of your community?

There are only a few parks in this community given that 70% of housing units are within a mile of a park. There are small amounts of playgrounds in neighborhoods and then there’s prospect park south that is a one of the few Historic Districts in the City. As for libraries there are many branches that are used and valued such as

The Caribbean Literacy and Cultural Center at the Flatbush Branch, and the Cortelyou Road library and many more. They offer many programs for the community such as GED pep and are open seven days a week.

  1. Briefly describe recreational resources of your community? There are barely any recreational resources being that there are only 11, but the park area are used as space for activities for basketball and football.
NYC.GOV NYC department of city planning.
  1. Briefly describe the religious/spiritual institutions of your community.

There are several churches in the community ranging from Baptists/ Christian and even Catholic.

  1. Briefly describe the financial and business institutions in your community. As of 2013, there are over 480 commercial and offices along with 1,065 commercial mix residential lots around the community. There are generous amount of neighborhoods in this community that have blocks loaded with plenty of business lots such as banks, food pantries, tax shops etc.
  1. Briefly describe the infrastructure of your community.

Some of the neighborhood have roads that are not paved right while some other neighborhoods are just fine. There have been complaints about the noise and also smell of the air.

NYC Department of Environmental protection.
  1. Based on your research and walkabouts, identify 3 of your community’s strengths or assets:

1) The strengths of this community is the fact that there’s limited businesses and easy access to stores around

2) There are a generous amount of transportation available.

3) It’s versatile when it comes to race.


  1. Based on your research and walkabouts, identify and prioritize 3 issues of concern to you about your community:

1) The little amount of recreational resources.

2) the large amount of stop & frisk

3)crime rate

  1. Human services ethical standards speak about our profession’s concern for individuals, families, communities and society. Why should human services professionals care about communities and society?

Human services professionals should care about the community because if they want to go about helping people, the communities is the way to start. They have to help change the environment because it has major effect on people.



