1. What is your home zip code? 11231.

2. Does your community have a name? If so, what is it? Red Hook.

3. What is the number of your Community Board? Briefly state its purpose.  06. The purpose of this community board is to advise elected officials on the community’s land use, budget and service delivery.

4. Who is the President of of your Community Board? Daniel Kummer

5. Who is the District Manager of your Community Board? Craig Hammerman

6. Who is your current New York City Council Member, what communities does s/he serve, what council committees does s/he serve on? Carlos Menchaca. He serves the communities of Red Hook, Gowanus, Carroll Gardens, Park Slope and Cobble Hill.

7. Who is your New York State Assembly Member? Felix Ortiz

8. Who is your New York State Senator? Chuck Schumer

9. Who are your U.S Senators?

10. Who is your U.s Congressional Representative? Nydia Velazquez

11. What are the basic demographics of your community? Population: 8,023

                                                                                                  Gender: Male: 3,901

                                                                                                                 Female: 4,112

                                                                                                   Median Age: Male: 28.7

                                                                                                                           Female: 33.8

                                                                           Race/Ethnicity: Predominantly Black and Hispanic

                                                                                             Median Household Size: 2.6 people

                                                  Educational Levels: 58% have less than a high school education

                                                                                         3.8% have an Associate’s degree

                                                                                         4.8% have a Bachelor’s degree

                                                                                         8.3% have a Master’s degree

12. What is the health status of your community?

13. What are the crime statistics for your community?

14. Briefly describe the educational/cultural resources of your community. Red Hook is a small community with about 3 public schools,1 library, 1 senior center and no movie theaters or museums.

15. Briefly describe the recreational resources of your community. Red Hook has many parks throughout the neighborhood, as well as recreational centers and a public pool.

16. Briefly describe the religious/spiritual institutions of your community. There are many small churches scattered around Red Hook.

17. Briefly describe the financial and business institutions in your neighborhood. There are very few banks in Red Hook. There are more check-cashing businesses. There are very few supermarkets, however Red Hook recently gained Fairway a few years ago. There are many corner stores and drug stores  but hardly any clothing stores, real estate agencies or travel agencies. 

18. Briefly describe the infrastructure of your community. The roads, streets and sidewalks in Red Hook need improvement. Some streets are still made of cobblestone. Many street lights do not work, There are many trees and grassy areas that should be taken better care of.

19. Based on your research and walkabouts, identify 3 of your community’s strengths or assets:

1. Red Hook is located on the waterfront, right across from Manhattan which makes is easy to travel to and from the boroughs. 

2. Red Hook is a small and close-knit community.


20. Based on your research and walkabouts, identify and prioritize 3 issues of concern to you about your community:

1. Sanitation

2. Public Transportation

3. Crime

21. Human services ethical standards speak about our profession’s concern for individuals, families, communities, and society. Why should human services professionals care about communities and society? Communities allow interaction and coexistence between their residents. A healthy community benefits the health and well being of the individuals. Healthy communities mean a healthy society.  


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