Assignment #2 Community Meeting

Bryana Morrison
October, 18, 2014
Professor Glose
Assignment #2 Community Meeting

The Rosedale Civic Association is a community run organization that supports the residents of Rosedale. Once a month, the organization holds their meetings at a local church. The President and his staff inform the residents about upcoming events, needs in the community, and provide valuable information. This organization holds the community together by giving it the support it needs. If the community needs something, this organization is there to gather people together and do something about it.
The meeting started off with the pledge of allegiance to the flag and prayer from the pastor of the church. The President came up and started off by thanking different organizations and people for all of their support and for attending the meeting. He expressed how important it was for the residents to look out for one another. Next the President spoke about the annual election that was coming up for 2014 and all of the offices were open. Very briefly the President touched on the financial issue the organization was facing but they were open to any donations. Before the President sat down he gave a couple updates of events coming up and events that were rescheduled. Many people in the meeting were taking notes. Also the President reminded the residents to look out for the monthly news letter that would be mailed out soon. Next, a representative from FEMA came up and spent a lot of time informing the community about what FEMA’s job is and how they can support the residents of Rosedale. Many people had a lot of questions and a whole team of representatives were there to answer them. Another representative from the SBA Disaster Assistance organization came up and gave a lot of important information. The representatives were able to help all of the residents and even had people ready to help them sign up for FEMA.
I have never been to a community meeting and going to this one was really interesting. I didn’t know so many people were involved in my community. A good amount of people showed up and the staff really provided a lot of help the other residents. Even though Rosedale is a small neighborhood there are so many people willing to offer their time to make Rosedale a decent community. Everyone was kind and ready to help one another. My only complaint would be that I wish the meeting started earlier so that I could have stayed for the whole thing.
I would be interested to come back for more community meetings. Before this project my parents and I didn’t even know there were community meetings in Rosedale. There are many clubs that have a big part in the organization like the tennis club and I didn’t know that existed either. I am curious to see what the organization is involved in all year around. I would like to get to know some of my neighbors better too. This organization has the potential to bring the whole community together and that’s what I like about it most.

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