1. What is your home zip code? 11201

2. Does your community have a name? if so, what is it? Brooklyn heights

3. What is the number of the community board? Briefly state its purpose. 02, the purpose of community board 2 is to be responsible for the welfare of their respective community districts

4. Who is the president of your community board? Eric L. Adams

5. Who is the district manager of your community board? Robert Perris

6. Who is your current New York City Council Member, what communities does s/he serve, what council committees does s/he serve on?  Laurie Cumbo serves the 35th district. She serves on the committee for elected members on Brooklyn community board 2

7. Who is your New York state assembly member? Joseph Lentol

8. Who is your New York state Senator? Daniel Squadron

9. Who is your U.S Senators? Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand

10. Who is your U.S Congressional Representative? Hakeem Jeffries

11. What are the basic demographics of your community (total population, gender, age levels, race/ethnicity, income levels, household sizes, educational levels) Theres total population of 20,256. 10,038 are males while 10,218 are females. average age for males is 38 and the average age for females is 37. Brooklyn heights is a predominantly white neighborhood. Median income for Brooklyn heights in 2011 was $119,999. Household sizes averaged at 1.9 people.

12. What is the health status of your community? Brooklyn heights has above the national average amount of people with health care.

13. What are the crime statistics for your community? There are 205 major crimes per 10,000 residents, 63 of them being violent crimes

14. Briefly describe the educational/cultural resources (ex: schools, libraries, theaters, museums, movie houses, etc.) of your community.  Brooklyn heights Montessori school for students 2-8, Brooklyn heights public library on Cadman plaza west and Brooklyn heights cinema on Clark street.

15. Briefly describe the recreational resources (parks, sports centers,/facilities, public pools, etc.) of your community. Eastern athletics located on Clark street has an indoor pool. Parks in Brooklyn heights include the Brooklyn bridge park and the Brooklyn heights promenade. We also have basketball courts and soccer fields located on the east river connected to the Brooklyn bridge park.

16. Briefly describe the religious/spiritual institutions of your community The first presbyterian church of Brooklyn is located off of Clark street.  St. Ann and the holy church is an episcopal church that encourages individuals to follow their spiritual paths and seek solace.

17. Briefly describe the financial and business institutions in your community (ex: banks, check cashing businesses, supermarkets, small groceries, real estate agencies, brokerages, travel agencies, clothing stores, drug stores etc.).  Brooklyn heights has banks such as Chase, city bank, HSBC. Supermarkets and grocery stores include gristedes, all in one organic market, garden of eden and key food. Drug stores include CVS, Rite-aid and gristedes pharmacy.

18. Briefly describe the infrastructure of your community (ex: roads, sidewalk and street pavements, street furniture, street and traffic lighting fixtures, tree care, air quality, buildings etc.) The Brooklyn bridge is the only bridge in Brooklyn heights, the BQE also runs through the west-side of Brooklyn heights.

19. Based on your research and walkabouts, identify 3 of your community’s strengths or assets: 1)  Access to the major subway lines such as the 2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, F, R and N

2)  Both the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridge are within walking distance and can be walked over

3) It’s not a sketchy neighborhood

20) Based on your research and walkabouts, identify and prioritize 3 issues of concern to you about your community:

1) Brooklyn Heights or downtown Brooklyn could use a Skatepark possibly at the Brooklyn bridge park

2) Cabs are often hard to find in the area

3) Because of its location on the east river/ so close to downtown manhattan many things are a lot more expensive compared to back home, at least for a college student like myself.

21) Human service ethical standards speak about our profession’s concern for individuals, families, communities, and society. Why should human services professionals care about communities and society? The state of the community and societal standards set the route for future development of the area. If nobody cared about the community there would never be any progression and most likely a decline in ethical standards

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