1. 11217. N/A

2.fort Greene N/A

3. Brooklyn community board 2 research

4. Eric L. Adams Research

5. Stephen Levin Research

6. Laurie Cumbo: District 35- Council Member- Democrat. She serves on the chair committee of Women’s Issues. Research

7.Joan L. Millman. Research

8.Kristin Gillibrand
Chuck Schumer Research

9. Marty Golden. Research

10. Nydia M. Velazquez
New York District Research
Hakeem S. Jeffries
New York District
Yvette D. Clarke
New York District

11. Total population: 177,678
Male population: 83,952
Female population: 93,726
Family households: 36,035
Non-family households: 43,187
Households with children:61,449. Research
Households w/o children:61,449
Avg.person per household: 2.14
Avg.house income: $99,415
Median income under 25: 56,438
25-34: 63,059
35-44: 66,868
45-54: 75,108.
55-64: 74,044
65-74: 59,339
Over 75: 52,210
No high school 7,160
Some high school 8,125
Some college: 12,362
Associate degree 6,584
Bachelors degree 34,019
Graduate degree 29,250

14. Brooklyn academy of music, Brooklyn music school, Paul Robeson theater, Museum of Contemporary African Diaspora Arts, Brics Arts Media, Irondale cente, Mark Morris Dance Center, Brooklyn Tchnical Highschool, Bishop Loughlin Memorial Highschool, Pratt Institute. Research

15. Fort Greene park. Observation

16. 8 churches, 6 denominations like Seventh day Adventist, Presbyterian and Methodist Research

17. 2. Check cashing
5+ banks
3 supermarkets
5 real estate agencies Observation

A plethora of clothing stores

18. The infrastructure In my community is up to par. Observation

19.1) great location
2)multicultural and multiracial
3) Access to healthcare, education, public transportation, entertainment.

20. 1) great location/ changing environment, the prices of housing sky rocket
2)the homes that was once affordable to the middle class is now only affordable by the upper class, that is forcing the middle and lower class out of the community.
3) Many historic small businesses are forced to closed due to rising rent prices in which takes away from the historic value of the community.

21. Human service professionals care about communities and societies because these are aspects that cater in shaping an individual.

3 thoughts on “Know YourCommunity Assignment #1

  1. drglose

    This was a decent first try. You are miss some important information. Eric Adams is the Borough President of Brooklyn. Who is the chairperson of the community Board? Who is the district manager? You did not include the crime statistics or identify your congress person. C+


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