Session 6 through 10


Session 6 

Safe Patient Handling and Patients with Limited English Proficiency

Objectives:  Students will be introduced to concepts associated with safe patient handling as well as patients with limited english proficiency (LEP).
Instructions:  Review the weblinks, topics, and video below. In addition, complete Session 6 Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments.

Review Weblink 1:  OSHA | Safe Patient Handling
Topic 1:  Injuries related to patient handling
Topic 2:  Industries where patient handling tasks are typically performed
Topic 3:  Hazards and solutions (transfer, repositioning, and lifting devices)

Review Weblink 2:  NIOSH | Safe Patient Handling and Mobility
Topic 4:  Patient handling hazards
Topic 5:  Patient handling ergonomics

Watch Video: American Nurses Association | Safe Patient Handling and Mobility


Review Weblink 3:  AHRQ | Improving Patient Safety Systems Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Patients in Hospitals
Topic 6:  What we know about patient safety and LEP
Topic 7:  Why focus on LEP and patient safety?
Topic 8:  Adverse events for LEP and culturally diverse patients
Topic 9:  Systems and strategies to improve safety for LEP Patients


Session 6 – Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments

1. Read: OSHA | Safe Patient Handling Program Checklist
2. Read: NIOSH | Safe Patient Handling Training for Schools of Nursing 

3. Read: AMA Journal of Ethics | Vignette of Patient with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
4. Complete Session 6 Lab (Homework) Assignment on Blackboard: Respond to LEP scenarios



Session 7 

Introduction to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Naloxone Bystander Training

Objectives:  Students will be introduced to hands-only CPR.
Instructions:  Review the weblinks, topics, and video below. In addition, complete Session 7 Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments.

Review Weblink 1:  CDC | The Hero Within: Knowing Hands Only CPR & How to Use an AED can Save Lives

Review Weblink 2: American Heart Association (AHA) | Hands-Only CPR versus CPR with Breathes 

Review Weblink 3: AHA | Hands Only CPR

Review Weblink 4: AHA | Hands-Only CPR FAQ

Watch Video: AHA | Hands-Only CPR

Watch Video: AHA | Opioid Education for Non-Clinical Staff and Lay Responders


Session 7 – Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments

1. Read: NYS DOH | Community Strategies for Post-Opioid Overdose Interventions 
2. Review: CDC | Naloxone Training
3. Complete Session 7 Lab (Homework) Assignment on Blackboard: Respond to posted questions on CPR and/or Opioid education        


Session 8 

HIPAA, Confidentiality, and Informed Consent

Objectives:  Students will learn about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), confidentiality, and informed consent
Instructions:  Review the weblinks and topics below. Then, complete Session 8 Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments.

Review Weblink 1: CMS | HIPAA Basics for Providers
Topic 1:   HIPAA privacy rule and protected health information (PHI)
Topic 2:   HIPAA security rule
Topic 3:   HIPAA breach notification rule
Topic 4:   Who must comply with HIPAA rules?

Review Weblink 2: UW Medicine | Patient Confidentiality
Topic 5:   Importance of confidentiality
Topic 6:   Duty of confidentiality 
Topic 7:   Appropriateness of disclosure

Review Weblink 3: UW Medicine | Informed Consent
Topic 8:    Elements of informed consent
Topic 9:    Patient’s decision making 
Topic 10:  Informed consent and children
Topic 11:  When informed consent is not possible


Session 8 – Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments

1. Read: Case studies in Weblink 2 – UW Medicine | Patient Confidentiality
2. Read: Case studies in Weblink 3 – UW Medicine | Informed Consent
3. Complete Session 8 Lab (Homework) Assignment on Blackboard: Respond to questions about confidentiality and/or informed consent case studies 



Session 9 

Employee Stress and Burnout

Objectives:  Students will gain an understanding of healthcare worker stress and burnout and their impact on safety.
Instructions:  Review the weblinks, topics, and videos below. Complete Session 9 Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments.

Review Weblink 1:  HHS | Health Worker Burnout
Topic 1:  How to help a health worker who is experiencing burnout
Topic 2:  Ways health worker burnout affects patient care
Topic 3:  Assessing worker burnout
Topic 4:  What hospitals can do to prevent health worker burnout

Review Weblink 2:  Journal Article | Confronting Health Worker Burnout and Well-Being
Topic 5:  Signs of health worker burnout
Topic 6:  Causes of health worker burnout
Topic 7:  Ways to address health worker burnout

Watch Video: Creating Caring Cultures in Health and Social Care

Watch Video: Health Worker Burnout


Session 9 – Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments

1. Read: HHS | Addressing Health Worker Burnout (pages 7-30 only)
2. Complete Session 9 Lab (Homework) Assignment on Blackboard:  Respond to posted questions about health worker burnout



Session 10 Exam 2 – Scheduled to be taken during class time

Exam 2 and Workplace Violence

Objectives:  Students’ knowledge of key terms and concepts presented during Sessions 5 through 9 will be assessed with Exam 2. In addition, workplace violence will be covered.
Instructions:  Exam 2 will be completed on Blackboard. Also, complete Session 10 Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments.

Session 10 – Readings and Lab (Homework) Assignments

1. Read: OSHA | Healthcare Workplace Violence
2. Read: NIOSH | Violence Occupational Hazards in Hospitals
3. Watch Webinar: Joint Commission | Workplace Violence Prevention
4. Complete Session 10 Lab (Homework) Assignment on Blackboard:  Respond to posted questions about workplace violence